Pied de mouton, commonly referred to as hedgehog mushrooms, stand out for their distinct appearance. Their cap exhibits a range of colours from pale to reddish-brown and typically has a slightly convex shape. What truly distinguishes these mushrooms are the downward-pointing spines or teeth that cover the underside of the cap, resembling the spines of a hedgehog.
Sweet tooth
Pied de mouton mushrooms can be found in various regions worldwide, thriving in association with deciduous trees, particularly beech and oak. They often form symbiotic relationships with the roots of these trees, benefiting from each other's presence. The mushrooms tend to surface from late summer to autumn.
Whether used in sautés, risottos, pasta dishes, or as a flavourful garnish, pied de mouton mushrooms bring a touch of elegance and complexity to a wide range of dishes.